Beginner's Meditation Blueprint
CourseThis course provides a step-by-step introduction to meditation. Each module adds layers of understanding on the research supporting meditation, how to meditate, establish a regular practice, and manage other issues that may arise.
Power of Plasticity: Paving New Neural Pathways
CourseBy harnessing the power of neuroplasticity, we can learn to apply change in the same way that the brain learns, creating new neural pathways and enhancing the learning process. Grow your counseling practice and support our clients in change.
The Emotional Roller Coaster: Treating Families of those with Gambling Disorder
CourseWhile there is often an emphasis on work with the individual with gambling disorder, family members also face an emotional rollercoaster. This session explores the range of emotions among family members during the cycle of addiction and recovery. Und
Treating the Heart of Gambling Disorder
CourseThere has been recent emphasis on the role of beliefs, motivation and medication in the treatment of gambling disorder. This session examines the role of emotion in the development and maintenance of these disorders, as well as the role of emotions
We Belong (Free Discovery Session)
CourseUse this to schedule a free 1:1 meeting with Dr. Ken to determine if we are a good fit to work together, or other options that may be available.
Pre-order available now!
The Time Trap: Managing Priorities for Counselors
CourseThis session explores the range of competing priorities that cause the greatest struggle and exhaustion. Understanding the process of time management and the path to time mastery can help to regain a sense of control, confidence, and competence.
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