Leadership Mastery Options

Are you a business leader feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure how to reach the next level? Our Business Leadership Program is designed to empower you with the tools, insights, and support you need to break through barriers and achieve lasting success. Led by Dr. Ken, a seasoned psychologist and leadership expert with over 30 years of experience, this program offers a holistic approach to personal and professional growth.

What You’ll Gain

  • Access to a Private Community of Resources: Connect with a network of like-minded professionals in our exclusive online community. Here, you’ll find a wealth of resources.
  • Specialized Training with Dr. Ken: Benefit from Dr. Ken’s extensive knowledge and experience through specialized training sessions. Learn proven techniques for overcoming obstacles and enhancing decision-making skills, 
  • Coping Skills Toolbox: Dozens of tools curated by Dr. Ken through decades of practice. 
  • Exclusive Mastermind Group: Join a select group of driven leaders in our mastermind sessions, where you’ll collaborate, share challenges, and develop actionable strategies. 
  • Personalized 1:1 Leadership Coaching: Receive individualized attention and guidance from Dr. Ken in one-on-one coaching sessions. Whether you need help navigating a specific challenge or want to develop a long-term strategy, apply skills to your life.

What "They" Say

Profound Mindset Shift: Before joining Dr. Ken’s program, I felt trapped by repetitive patterns that I struggled with for so long. He helped me recognize mental blocks that I couldn’t see and through his guidance, I experienced a profound mindset shift that helped me release those long-standing barriers (known and unknown). I’m now free from the fears and doubts that used to paralyze me. My vision for my business and life is more clear now than it has ever been and I feel confident and excited about the path before me.  Dr. Ken truly transformed not just my business, but my entire approach to life. 

Patient, Kind, Honest: Before working with Ken, I was stuck, controlled by limited beliefs, and trapped by fear. I was in love with the idea of building a coaching business and wasn't taking action. He has helped me realize my worth, trust the process, and overcome my limited beliefs. by staying centered and taking empowered action I am now growing not 1 but 2 businesses! With his patient, kind, honest, and to-the-point guidance, I am realising all I am capable of and that my life and businesses are full of limitless possibilities. For the first time in my life, I have true confidence that I can do it.

Amazing: He is an amazing therapist. Highly Recommend.

Ready to Join?

There are two options, a one time fee of $1,000 for one year, or split payments of $100 per month for 12 months.

Want More?

Level 2 includes all of the above plus our Coping Skills Toolbox and monthly Group Seminars for just $3000 or monthly payments of $300

Want the Best?

Level 3 includes everything above plus 1:1 meeting with Dr. Ken and a Mastermind Group to apply the skills you are learning!

Executive Program

Ask for details on our Executive Program, which starts at $10k for one month.